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  • Piotr Poźniak (Cracow) Word-Painting in the Fifth Book of Motets by Palestrina    5
  • Tomasz Czepiel (Oxford) Zacheus Kesner and the Music Book Trade at the Beginning of the Seventeenh Century: an Inventory of 1602    23
  • Anna Szweykowska (Cracow) Monteverdi in Seventeenth-Century Poland    71
  • Zofia Dobrzańska-Fabiańska (Cracow) The Modality of Claudio Monteverdi's Works. The Heritage of Renaissance Polyphony    83
  • Aleksandra Patalas (Cracow) Marco Scacchi's Characterisation of the Modes in his Missa omnium tonorum    103
  • Zygmunt M. Szweykowski (Cracow) Marco Scacchi and his Pupils on the Polychoral Technique    131
  • Tomasz Jasiński (Lublin) The stylus a cappella in the Music of Bartłomiej Pękiel: Artistry and the Transformation of Tradition    151
  • Alistair Wightman (Stafford) The Book of King Roger. Szymanowski's Opera in the Light of his Novel Efebos    161
  • Teresa Chylińska (Cracow) Szymanowski – a Witness of History. Sidelights on Karol Szymanowski's Correspondence: 1920–1926    215
  • Alicja Jarzębska (Cracow) Stravinsky's Serial Music as an Integration of Tradition and Originality    237
  • Małgorzata Woźna-Stankiewicz (Cracovie) Leitmotiv rythmique dans l'oeuvre d'Olivier Messiaen    255
  • Reviews    267

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